The "Planet Live" Project
The project plans to extend and upgrade an existing prototype (which was named “Weltzustandsmaschine”) for more hardware platforms as well as additional data-sets and is directed at Business-to-Business markets like interdisciplinary institutes and organizations, municipal, state- and federal governmental offices, global corporations with international environmental activities, schools, museums, environmental organizations and institutions dealing with the environment. The project plans, in its final phase, the development a smartphone app that can be used to reach the endconsumer directly.
Christian Bauer, CEO
Christian Bauer got his inspiration for a “World Game” from a visit to the Buckminster Fuller Institute in 2003. His original intention was to visit for a project he was heading that was also dealing with presenting a sphere (a giant soccer ball – that was a traveling football museum), a project run by FIFA, the German Soccer Association and the German Government.
Bauer is a GIS (Geographical Informations Systems) pioneer who in 1989 invented the method for creating the Digital Catastral Map of Austria: 250 people worked for 10 years to digitize Austria. He was for 10 years, a member of the International Committee for Siggraph (biggest conference on computer graphics) and was Co-Chair of VRML’98 and Chair VRML’99 (today Web3D), supporting the idea to integrate GIS-data into standardization efforts in their respective domains, with the events being sponsored by ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) – the world’s oldest computer association:
Bauer has a background not only in IT and computer graphics but also in the creative domain. He is among many other things, the project manager for the artist, André Heller, for over 24 years and realized with Heller many state-of-the-art projects in the creative domain. Bauer has worked for organizations and companies like FIFA, UN, IOC, Swarovski, Red Bull, Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Bertelsmann, the Federal Chancellery (during the term of office of Angela Merkel) of the German Federal Government, the Kingdom of Bhutan and many others.
Andreas Göltl, CEO